
We provide learning and development opportunities to help foster carers learn about the child or young person’s life experience and develop their skills in fostering.

As part of learning and development we provide pre and post approval training.

Your training needs will be discussed every year as part of your annual review. There are no charges for any of our training courses, and we work hard to schedule the courses around the busy lives of our carers and their families.

Information training

Before you complete your application to become a foster carer you will be invited to attend information training. This will give you the opportunity to explore whether fostering is right for you and your family. You will also get to meet and hear from experienced foster carers and young people.

This pre-approval course covers a range of topics such as child development, understanding the impact of early childhood experiences, attachment and bonding, understanding and coping with aspects of child abuse, and ways of saying goodbye to children.

Post approval training

Your assessment is heard at the Fostering Company fostering panel, who approve you as a foster carer. Areas of support and development that we feel you require will be discussed with you, as well as how The Fostering Company will ensure that you receive support. Training will be provided to assist you in meeting the specific needs of the child/young person in your care.

There is an expectation that you attend and complete the Training, Support and Development Standards for Foster Carers within 12 months of approval.

Details of all courses can be obtained from our learning opportunities calendar. Carers are provided with a range of venues/times and training methods suitable to their individual needs.

Are you ready to start your fostering journey?

Get in touch to arrange an informal chat with our carer enquiry team.